Wagner & Freymuth - Chauffage sanitaire

A heating oil system uses heating oil as a heat source to warm water and indoor spaces.

Here are some key points to know about heating oil systems:

1. Usage prevalence:

Approximately 6 million households in Germany use heating oil systems, ranking them as the second most popular heating option after gas.

2. Advantages:

– Economical and efficient: Modern models offer energy efficiency and judicious resource usage.
– Independence: Unlike gas heating systems, they do not require specific gas infrastructure, providing some autonomy in fuel supply.

3. Operation:

Heating oil is burned in a boiler to generate heat, which is then transferred to the water in the central heating system.

4. Replacement obligations:

Older heating oil systems may have high CO2 emissions, prompting exploration of more environmentally friendly alternatives when replacing them.

If you own a heating oil system, consider researching replacement options and checking available subsidies for transitioning to more eco-friendly alternatives.